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As an ARB registered practice we can provide a range of different services required to design and deliver a project. We will save you money and add value to your investment by managing your budget and sourcing a reputable builder. Stages of design and delivery that we can assist you with are:
Evaluation of the existing building and/or site
Brief Development
Overall Site master-planning design
Concept drawings, 3D images and physical models
Pre-planning & Planning applications
Listed Building and Conservation Area consents
Building Control applications
Technical drawings for tender
Obtaining tenders and selecting a builder
Managing the construction stage
Other services that we can undertake are:
Measured surveys
Party Wall surveys
Principal Designer for CDM Regulations 2015

Eco Tourism
Farm Diversification
National Parks & Woodland
Camping & Retreats
Active holidays
Schools & Nurseries
Outdoor Education
Activity Clubs
New Houses
Small Houses
Refurbishment projects
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